Exploring through play -An effective way for kid’s cognitive development
Explorative play promotes cognitive development by framing the logical thought processes under which little brains formulate the understanding of various concepts associated with play and further use their learnings in guiding them deal with other complex situations in future. Learning to build a sand castle or making a clay pot, children examine the various ways in constructing the same and use various associated learnings as well as imaginations in the next similar play activity further. Facing everyday challenges become an
Cognitive and Language development across infancy
It is essential to focus on the development of little brains right from the time they begin their very basic learnings by enacting on their thought processes. For instance, providing a rich environment full of social interactions as well as meaningful play opportunities enhances the number of neurological connections within their brains at an early age. Try strengthening the processes of their brains by engaging them for a sound sleep and uninterrupted memory formation !! Sharing stress free, loving environment