

Responsibilities on the tiny shoulders

Nobody said parenting is easy, particularly when it comes to getting your child to be responsible. Responsibility and the tiny tots seems like the most unlikely combination. All you feel like doing as a parent is to be protective and do everything you can for your little one. However, the earlier kids are taught to be responsible, the more they are going to reinforce the values and rewards that come with responsibility. As they grow older, acting responsibly will seem

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Sports time!!

The importance of sports in children’s lives is invaluable. Sports promote fitness, total growth and instils lessons that are essential for their coming years. Several benefits of playing sports from a young age..   Physical Growth Sports improve the resistance of the body, provide flexibility and prevent weakening of muscle and bone. Sports stimulate growth and lead to improved physical and emotional health.   Personal Growth Introducing your children to various sports makes them realise the value of a holistic

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Perfect holiday.… AT HOME

The holidays are here and we’d all love to be jetting off to sun, sea and sand. But it’s not always that easy. Little things like time and money get in the way sometimes! Here are few ways you and your toddler can have a brilliant time without even leaving the house… Melt Some Chocolate Let your toddler be chief mixer to ensure it’s smooth – then take some strawberries or banana pieces and dip them in. Messy but delicious

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Importance of Parent- Child Relationship

Challenges that parenting brings are endless. From going that extra mile in researching a unique parent-child bond to understanding the foundations of child’s personality, we leave nothing behind when it covers our healthy relationship together with our young ones.     Benefits of parent -child relationship Learning about relationships begin at home. Young children growing with a secure and healthy attachment to their parents outshines development of happy and content relationships with other people in their lives aswell. Regulating their emotions

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Cognitive and Language development across infancy

It is essential to focus on the development of little brains right from the time they begin their very basic learnings by enacting on their thought processes. For instance, providing a rich environment full of social interactions as well as meaningful play opportunities enhances the number of neurological connections within their brains at an early age. Try strengthening the processes of their brains by engaging them for a sound sleep and uninterrupted memory formation !!  Sharing stress free, loving environment

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Minding Manners

It’s never too early to start honing your child’s etiquette and teach him how to behave around other people. So here’s how to cope with those common toe-curling moments- He keeps hitting other children There are few things more embarrassing than seeing your tot cheerfully whacking his playmates, but young toddlers don’t really understand that they’re hurting people. Your child is simply exploring how his behaviour affects other people. It’s also a way of getting attention, as he knows you’ll

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Yoga as an essential part of young ones

Channelising high energy amongst pre school children while focussing on simple stretching and breathing exercises, yoga plays a big role in enriching their young minds and bodies. Several playful movements, cheerful songs and fun with breathing techniques stimulates their power of imagination within. While muscular strengthening through the gross motor movements of arms, legs and the entire body helps in development of essential physical skills amongst children, balancing and coordinating through several challenging postures add on to engaging fine motor

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Exploring through play -An effective way for kid’s cognitive development

Explorative play promotes cognitive development by framing the logical thought processes under which little brains formulate the understanding of various concepts associated with play and further use their learnings in guiding them deal with other complex situations in future. Learning to build a sand castle or making a clay pot, children examine the various ways in constructing the same and use various associated learnings as well as imaginations in the next similar play activity further. Facing everyday challenges become an

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