It’s never too early to start honing your child’s etiquette and teach him how to behave around other people. So here’s how to cope with those common toe-curling moments-
He keeps hitting other children
There are few things more embarrassing than seeing your tot cheerfully whacking his playmates, but young toddlers don’t really understand that they’re hurting people. Your child is simply exploring how his behaviour affects other people. It’s also a way of getting attention, as he knows you’ll come running at the first sign of trouble. Bringing clarity to the child regarding his unacceptable behaviour while he hurt someone and also removing him from the entire situation might be a help
He always snatches toys
Concept of sharing isn’t so easy for the little ones!! They simply tend to have what they desire..Diverting their attention or playing turn games while praising them for the same can make it easier though.
He’s so Disruptive
While you might not be able to tame your tot completely, you might be able to temper his lust for life by role-playing calm behaviour. Get his teddies out and play ‘schools’ or set an alarm for two minutes and challenge him to keep quiet until the bell goes, with lots of cheer and applause if he manages. Rewards can work a treat too-promise him something or the other if he sits nicely at toddler group until everyone’s finished their snacks.
He refuses to listen to me
Defiant behaviour is exasperating, but hold on it’s also a sign of your toddler’s emerging independence. Tuning orders into a game can also encourage your tot to cooperate. So next time if he refuses to leave the park, tell him you’ll race him to the car and he’ll cooperate!!